Early Indian Satellites

Early Indian Satellites 

Aryabhata is the first Indian made satellite launched into LEO on April 19, 1975 by a USSR rocket. It was used for conducting experiment in space in the area of X-ray astronomy, solar physics etc. The main objective of the satellite was to give experience in the design, development and fabrication and operation of the satellite system. 


This was followed by Bhaskara I & II satellite which were also launched from Russian rockets. This carried 2 TV cameras, one in visible and other in near infrared band to carry out scientific experiments. 
This was followed by the development of a geo-synchronous satellite, APPLE (Ariane Passenger Payload Experiment) which was launched on June 19, 1981 by Ariane launch vehicle. APPLE was a geo-synchronous communication satellite. 
With the development of the Indian launch vehicles SLV-3, ASLV, Rohini series satellite were also developed for carrying out scientific experiments in LEO. 

SROSS Satellite