Asynchronous Orbits
Satellite Orbits are lower than geostationary orbits. Satellites in asynchronous orbit
will pass overhead at different times of the day. Asynchronous Orbits are in
different altitudes.
(80 to 1,200 miles )480 to 970 km - Asynchronous Orbits
type of satellite in these altitudes is Observation
satellite. Observation satellites are used for tasks like photography.
Observation satellites perform tasks such as:
- Mapping
- Ice and sand movement
- Locating environmental situations
- Locating mineral deposits
- Finding crop problems
Search-and-rescue satellites are also works in
these altitudes. Search-and-rescue satellites act as relay stations to
rebroadcast emergency radio-beacon signals from a downed aircraft or ship in
Space Shuttles and other man mission capsules are also operating in these
3,000 to 6,000 miles(4,800
to 9,700 km).
of the Science satellites are operating in
altitudes of 3,000 to 6,000 miles (4,800 to 9,700 km). They send their research
data to Earth via radio telemetry signals. Scientific satellite applications
- Researching plants and animals
- Earth science, such as monitoring volcanoes
- Tracking wildlife
- Astronomy, using the Infrared Astronomy Satellite
6,000 to 12,000 miles - Asynchronous Orbits
Navigation satellites are operating at
altitudes of 6,000 to 12,000 miles. Most popular navigation satellite is the
satellite used for Global Positioning System (GPS).
These satellites can determine the exact location of the GPS receiver. The GPS
receiver may be located:
- In a ship at sea
- In another spacecraft
- In an airplane
- In an automobile
- In your pocket
Navigation satellites